At LA Swimming Center,
We believe that students are most successful in a consistent learning environment. Because of that, we encourage student to attend swim class regularly. The lesson will be not charged if participant notify the management at minimum 4 days before the lesson (eg: travel).
We do understand that certain situations cannot be predicted eg: illnesses, school events & etc. Hence in the situation above, we will not charge for the lesson if the relevant evidence is provided.
However, for the case of absenteeism without the support of relevant evidence, we will provide replacement class for the student (on another session instead of the actual lesson session) and the replacement class need to be attended within 30 days from the absenteeism date. Otherwise, the lesson will be forfeited (counted as charged lesson).

We are committed to ensure safety and quality of our swimming lesson, especially for young children. We will take into consideration the student, instructor, and class as a whole, before determining if the recommended replacement class is feasible. These considerations will be taken priority over any scheduling needs.